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Upon entering the performance you, the audience, are presented with your own individual window in which to view the scenes presented.

Travelling with the family to the penultimate scene where you are encouraged to HELP.

The final scene takes place between; a locked door surrounded by a pile of keys on the floor; and a window beneath which is a hammer.

Will the audience leave their own windows to take action on helping others? Or do we as a society insist on standing by and allowing others to be hurt as long as it does not effect ourselves? 

The violence will be portrayed through a series of grotesque physical movements. 

Each performance of the scene will be different from the last swapping gender roles between the abusers, Man abuses Woman, Woman abuses Man, Man abuses Man etc. This will add a different aesthetic each time to the scene and also allows us to show that this does not just happen to a specific gender.

Through the window

Creating a theatrical social experiment on how bystanders react to situations such as domestic violence. Putting the audience in the action they will literally be “looking through the window” of the family home who is affected by the act.


The scene will allow the audience to attempt to SAVE the character in need. My focus is on the survival of everyday people in situations which they might not have caused but have to live with and try and survive through. But also how people can play a role in the survival of others by making a fight or flight choice.


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